We have multiple avenues for you to advertise your business at our convention. If you need a graphical designer, we have one available in-house that can assist.
Souvenir Program Ads
Each of our events has an official souvenir program guide which is distributed with each attendee’s ticket by event staff. Full-page, half-page, and quarter-page ads are available.
Flyer Placement
Our staff will place your flyer or business cards in each attendee’s program guide. Additionally, they will be placed in brochure holders throughout the bar.
Wall-Hung Banners
There are multiple locations to advertise your business during the event. A great method is through wall-hung banners. We will hang your company banner for hundreds of fans to see. We have multiple locations in the main hall, the dealer room, the tabletop gaming room, and the video game room.
Merchandise Tables
We offer tables throughout the event center for you to sell your merchandise to hundreds of engaged and extremely passionate fans. We also have exhibitor locations available for a dedicated 8-by-8-foot booth location.